Delivery Companies

Sellers: Here is a list of providers of delivery services. You can click on any of the links below to go straight to their websites to get a quote for delivery. You don't need to set up an account with them but it will make things faster for you if you use their services multiple times.

The delivery comparison sites ParcelHero and Parcel2Go will show you quotes from all the major UK delivery companies. Their quotes are usually lower than booking directly with an individual delivery company as they generate so much business for those companies and receive generous discounts, some of which is passed on to you. DON'T FORGET when entering your delivery charges in your listings make sure you have factored in the extra cost of the neccessary packaging materials. INSURANCE is included with most services with free cover for between £20 - £50. You will be offered the chance to increase the level of cover you need for an additional cost.

Website Links:

Parcels would need to be dropped off at a post office / sorting office or a local pick-up point (Hermes, UPS, DPD, DHL etc.). These are usually local convenience stores. Royal Mail prices are for postage bought online. You will need the ability to print the delivery labels yourself. Royal Mail charge about 20p more if you buy the postage in a post office.

Here is an example:

A parcel weighing up to 2kg and a size of 45 x 35 x 16 cm using a 2 -3 day delivery service.

Royal Mail - £2.95 (No proof of delivery) £3.95 (Signed For)

Parcel2Go (Hermes) £2.84

Same size parcel but 5kg weight

Royal Mail - £8.79 (No proof of delivery) £9.79 (Signed For)

Parcel2Go (Hermes) £5.83


Make absolutely sure that the weight and dimensions of your parcel is exactly the same as you enter into the online quote / booking forms for any of the delivery service providers. They will charge you hefty penalties if you send something heavier or larger than you told them.